
Saturday, August 25, 2012

International Whistle Blowers Can Collect Large Rewards For Properly Expose Oil Company Bribes to Government Officials by

International Whistle Blower Laws Encourage International Whistle Blowers to Expose Government Corruption, Oil Company Bribes to Public Officials, Illegal Kickbacks from Energy Companies, Illicit Payments to Government Officials, and other Violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by International Oil Company Bribe Whistle Blower Lawyer, International Oil Company Public Official Bribe Whistle Blower Lawyer, & Oil Company Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistle Blower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

New International Whistle Blower Reward Laws offer large potential rewards or bounties to international oil company employee whistleblowers, foreign government official whistle blowers, and other international whistle blowers that blow the whistle on international oil company contract bribes, international accounting fraud, international energy company fraud, and international oil lease bribes. 

TNK-BP Sues Executive | Business | The Moscow Times

"TNK-BP has filed a lawsuit with an Arkansas court to freeze the U.S. assets of Igor Lazurenko, a former executive of the company, Kommersant reported Tuesday, citing a TNK-BP spokesman."

"The lawsuit was filed to comply with an injunction of the High Court of Justice, the spokesman said. He added that the British court was hearing another lawsuit filed by TNK-BP against Lazurenko.
TNK-BP accused Lazurenko of receiving bribes worth $13 million for awarding oil shipping contracts to transportation companies N-Trans and Sovfrakht."

"For his part, Lazurenko has accused TNK-BP and German Khan, one of its co-owners, of corruption, Bloomberg reported. Lazurenko headed TNK-BP's logistics department and was fired in April."

If you have evidence of oil company government bribes, public official illegal kickbacks for oil extraction contracts, or other government official corruption for mineral extraction, please feel free to contact International Oil Company Bribe Whistle Blower Lawyer and International Energy Company Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violation Whistle Blower Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer or go to the following web pages:  Russia Whistle Blowers, Пожалуйста, нажмите здесь для русских International Extraction & Mining Contract Whistle Blowers and Oil Industry Employee Whistle Blowers.

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